December is HIV/AIDS Awareness month to draw attention to another disease that has affected the world for years. Since 1999, Solidays festival lends a hand to fight this disease’s. As a tribute to them, let’s have a look at this incredible festival. Held in Paris, the festival and its volunteers acts for changing the world.

“Born in a 14m2 studio in the mind of two students ready to change the world, Solidays festival is not a festival like the other ones”. With this sentence the presentation of Solidays starts. The festival takes lace the Hippodrome de Longchamp in Paris, the same location as Lollapalooza. “Born on sharing and help values, it feeds the minds, wakes consciences, closes the people. Year after year, it allows people to develop what best they have in mind”.
Solidays is a place of liberty created by a non profit organisation. Every year, some big artists comes to Paris to celebrate life, love and music. Most of the people that are working for the festival are volunteers and participates of the creation of the magnificent festival.
Great concerts and great values…
With 21 editions, Solidays is a big festival that never stops getting bigger. Every year during three days in June, some of the biggest artists comes to the Hippodrome de Longchamp to help change the world. Robbie Williams, Parov Stelar, Iggy Pop, Die Antwoord, David Guetta, Metronomy, Manu Chao, DJ Snake, The Prodigy, are some of the artists that made the history of Solidays.
Between two concerts, you can go on some fair rides for free, have a beer or listen to an inspirational talk with your friends. In several ways, the festival offers you the opportunity to become a better person.

Every year, the festival comes back with a new slogan. Some of them are very impactive to reflect the values of the festival. “In Love We Trust” (2012); “The Fight Must Go On” (2014); “We all are heroes” (2019).
In 2019, the documentary “Generation Solidays” shows how music, love and great actions cohabits in Solidays to create a place for liberty, happiness and solidarity.
…Great values to change the world
Solidays is more than just a music festival. Into its midst, you can find a lot of chances to learn. Some of the main topics are fights against discrimination, exclusion, international solidarity, health, and global warming.
Walking into Solidays, you will run into different organisations and NGO’s, you can have a talk with great actors and personalities involved in those causes. Yann-Arthus Bertrand, Françoise Barré-Sinnousi, Anastasia Mikova and even Bill Gates are some of the few politicians, artists, diplomats, doctors, researchers, that came to the festival to open the minds.
Created by Solidarité Sida Association, Solidays is a festival with great values. All the festival’s benefits goes to actions to fight against Aids. Going to the festival and enjoy with your friends is a real way to change the world. In 2019, with more than 227.000, Solidays beats its own frequentation record, and so its benefits.

Solidays 2021
Solidays needs us. This festival is fighting against a disease, and has been cancelled because of another desease. In 2020, because of festival goers generosity, Solidays could finance some of their programs. Most of the festival goers decided not to get refunded, some other ones bought entrances even after the festival got cancelled. Amazing.
Like 140 other festivals, Solidays has firmed the press column, being optimistic for 2021. Therefore, the festival has no revenues for being organised by a non-profit association. We definitely hope that the festival will get back to make the world better and happier.

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